

Rules of The United Bird Societies of South Australia Inc.

The organisation shall be an Incorporated Body and shall be known as THE UNITED BIRD SOCIETIES OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA INCORPORATED here-in-after in these Rules referred to as the UBSSA.

  1. Membership of the UBSSA shall consist of Full and Associate Affiliates. Full affiliation shall be open to all avicultural and/or bird clubs, or societies , based within the State of South Australia, with the exception of those organisations solely devoted to domesticated and/or racing pigeons or poultry. Full Affiliates shall be entitled to all the rights and privileges of membership including the right to vote on all matters requiring resolution. Associate Affiliation shall be open to all avicultural and/or bird clubs, or societies, based outside of the State of South Australia with the exception of those organisations solely devoted to domesticated and/or racing pigeons or poultry. Associate Affiliates shall be entitled to all the rights and privileges of membership except the right to vote on matters requiring resolution.
  2. The management committee shall be known as THE COUNCIL of the UBSSA.
  3. The Council shall be responsible, at the first council meeting following the Annual General meeting, for the appointment of a Patron(s) for the ensuing calendar year.
  4. The Council shall not, in any way, interfere with the autonomy of any affiliated organisation: nor will The Council act as a regulatory body for the conduct of bird shows, displays, or sales held/to be held by any affiliated organisation.
  5. Any bird society or club (fulfilling the requirements of rule 2.) desirous of joining the
    UBSSA shall be deemed to be a member upon payment of the appropriate affiliation fee.
  6. The minimum levy payable by an affiliated organisation, irrespective of the number of
    financial members, shall be not less than that applicable to fifty (50) members.
  7. The Council shall set the annual affiliation fee in respect of the ensuing financial year and advise affiliated organisations of such fee by April 30th each year.
  8. The UBSSA’s financial year shall run from the 1st of July to the following 30th of June.
  9. Full Affiliates by a two-thirds majority of such affiliates exercising their right to vote,
    shall have the power to reprimand, suspend or expel any affiliated organisation that
    may act in a manner detrimental to the Objectives of the UBSSA. However, no such
    action shall be instituted without the organisation in question being invited
    to appear before a Special Meeting of Delegates to explain its conduct.
  10. The Council shall consist of a minimum of six (6) and a maximum of nine (9) persons.
  11. Officers of The Council shall be a Chairperson, Deputy Chair, Executive Officer, two
    (2) Public Relations Officers. These appointments are to be made by The Council.
    An Assistant Executive Officer may be appointed if and when required.
  12. The Chairperson shall preside at all meetings of The Council and/or Delegates; in his/her
    absence the Deputy Chair shall preside. In the absence of both these Officers the
    Councillors present shall appoint one of their number to preside.
  13. The Executive Officer shall be responsible for recording minutes of all meetings of The Council and/or Delegates, the banking (or Investing [see Rule 17 below]) of all funds, the disbursement of accounts rendered, the receipt and dispatch of all correspondence, and the notification of all meetings.
  14. The Public Relations Officers shall be responsible for the promotion of such aspects of  bird keeping as may be decided by The Council.
  15. The Inter-club Liaison Officer shall be responsible for liaising, on behalf of The Council with affiliated organisations on such matters as may require verbal clarification.
  16. The Executive Officer shall invest any funds, not immediately required , in such a
    manner as may, from time to time, be determined by The Council.
  17. All elected Councillors shall hold office for two (2) years, but are eligible for
  18. An election for up to a maximum of five (5) persons shall be held every twelve (12)
    months at the Annual General Meeting. Any vacancies above these five (5) positions shall be filled as per rule 20.
  19. Casual vacancies shall be filled at the discretion of The Council. Councillors so appointed may stand for election at the next annual election of Councillors.
  20. Not more than three (3) members representing any one fully affiliated organisation shall hold a council position at any one time.
  21. Nominees to positions on The Council shall be drawn from the members of fully affiliated organisations only.
  22. Members of The Council shall be elected by postal vote by fully affiliated organisations.
    Ballot papers to be forwarded to fully affiliated organisations by 30th April each year.
    Ballot papers must be returned to the Executive Officer in a sealed envelope by the
    30th June each year.
  23. Nominations for Council vacancies by fully affiliated organisations, signed by a duly
    authorised officer, shall be lodged with the Executive Officer, in writing , by the 31st
    March each year.
  24. Each fully affiliated organisation shall have one (1) vote, on all matters requiring
    resolution, at all meetings of accredited Delegates, but up to three (3) Delegates may be accredited to the meeting.
  25. Fully affiliated organisations unable to accredit delegates to a particular meeting may
    nominate a proxy to act on their behalf, provided that such nomination shall be in
    writing signed by a duly authorised officer of the appointing organisation.
  26. Voting on all matters requiring resolution, other than the election of Councillors, shall be determined by a declaration of each fully affiliated organisation’s vote, such vote
    shall be entered in the minutes of the meeting.
  27. An Annual General Meeting of Delegates shall be held within 2 months of the conclusion of each financial year, for which at least twenty-one (21) days written notice shall be
    given to all affiliated organisations. The election of Councillors shall take place at the Annual General Meeting (As per rule 19.)
  28. A Special Meeting of Delegates may be called at the written request of three (3) fully affiliated organisations, such request to detail matters to be discussed at the meeting.
    There shall be two (2) months notice of a Special Meeting given to all fully affiliated
    Organisation’s. No business other than that detailed in the original request shall be discussed at Special Meetings. If a quorum (see Rule 32) cannot be formed at a Special Meeting the matter(s) detailed for discussion shall be deemed to have lapsed.
  29. The Council shall have the power to call additional Meetings of Delegates and the power to call Extraordinary Special Meetings of Delegates at short notice.
  30. Four (4) Councillors shall be required to form a quorum at any meeting of The Council.
    If within thirty (30) minutes from the designated time of such meeting a quorum is not able to be formed the meeting shall be deferred to such time and place as may be decided.
  31. Representation of thirty percent (30%) of fully affiliated organisations shall be required to form a quorum at Annual General , Special and Extraordinary Meetings of Delegates. If within thirty (30) minutes from the designated time of such meeting a quorum is not able to be formed such meeting shall, with the exception of Special Meetings (see Rule 30), be adjourned to such time and place as may decided by The Council.
  32. The Council shall meet at least once every three (3) months , at such time and place as may be decided by the Councillors.
  33. Any Councillor absenting him/herself from three (3) consecutive meetings of The
    Council, without seeking prior leave of absence, or without providing a satisfactory explanation, shall be held to have vacated his/her office and The Council may proceed to fill such vacancy.
  34. The Council may appoint any subcommittee it may deem advisable. The Chairperson of any such subcommittee shall, by reason of holding that office , become an ex-officio member of The Council during the life of the subcommittee.
  35. Any Councillor who acts in a dishonourable manner may be suspended from The
    Council by a two-thirds majority vote of The Council for a period to be determined. No such action shall be instituted without such Councillor being invited to appear before The Council to explain his/her conduct.
  36. The Council shall appoint an Auditor who shall audit the financial records of the UBSSA at least once a year.
  37. The Council shall prepare and present to the Annual General Meeting an Annual report and audited Balance Sheet to the end of the previous financial year.
  38. The Council shall have the power to seek membership of and appoint delegates, as may be required, to any Federal organisation with compatible aims.
  39. These Objectives and Rules shall only be altered, or rescinded, at a Special Meeting of Delegates. Only The Council and fully affiliated organisations shall have the right to propose alteration(s) to these Objectives and Rules.
    Details of any proposed alteration(s) shall be forwarded, in writing, to the Executive Officer. Written notification of the proposed alteration(s) and the time and place of the Special Meeting of Delegates to consider and resolve same shall be distributed to all fully affiliated organisations within seven (7) days of consideration by The Council. A minimum of thirty (30) days written notice shall be given to Full Affiliates prior to the meeting held to resolve such alteration(s).
  40. A two-thirds majority of fully affiliated organisations, exercising their right to vote, shall be required to alter or rescind these Objectives and Rules.
  41. Interpretation of these Objectives and Rules shall be vested in The Council.
  42. The UBSSA shall have all the powers conferred by section 25 of the Act.
  43. The assets and income of the UBSSA shall be applied solely in furtherance of its
    Objectives and no portion shall be distributed directly or indirectly to its affiliates and/or officers except as bona fide compensation for services rendered or expenses incurred on behalf of the UBSSA and authorised by The Council.
  44. In the event of the UBSSA being dissolved, the monies which remain after such
    dissolution and the satisfaction of all debts and liabilities , shall be paid and by The Council in accordance with their power to any fund, institution or authority, which is a non-profit organisation.


  1. The promotion of goodwill and communication between all Bird-keepers and Societies.
  2. Provision of protection, wherever possible, to all Bird-keepers.
  3. Provision of a forum for all South Australian bird organisations to express their views and to contribute to a united effort to ensure the betterment of aviculture.
  4. Provisions of delegates to represent South Australia on a National Body.
  5. Formulation of views, and courses of action, for conveyance to a National Body.
  6. Dissemination of information from a National Body to affiliated organisations.
  7. Provision of mediation and/or consultation on Federal, State, and Local Government legislation.
  8. To act as a watch-dog on proposed Federal, State and Local Government legislation.
  9. Instigation of appropriate submissions for amendments, where necessary, to existing or proposed legislation.
  10. Co-ordination of all available information for the benefit of affiliated organisations.
  11. The gaining of acceptance as an authority on bird keeping matters with Government Departments, other authorities, and all sections of the media.
  12. To take an active interest in and to contribute to conservation matters considered to be relevant to the interests of The United Bird Societies of South Australia by The council or a Delegates’ Meeting.